Tag Archives: Daegu

On Your Mark, Get Set… Bolt Outruns Korean Photographers!

3 Sep

Although the start of the Big Boy’s official Jr. Pee-Wee Football Season was the absolute highlight of my day, this Saturday was an ah-ma-zing day in sports overall, and I relished every moment of it.  I mean, my kid’s first win of the season, College Football, The U.S. Open, the IAAF World Track & Field Championships…um yeah, amazing.

But just before I became overwhelmed with athletic observation overload, I was given a jewel from my favorite and most beloved sport in the form Usain Bolt’s Men’s 200m Finals performance in Daegu, South Korea.  And while watching Track & Field Royalty in Finnish every now and then is an exciting and entertaining pastime, it was Bolt’s after-race antics with the Korean media that absolutely made my day.  Talk about showmanship!