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Mr. President, Your Genius Is Showing

15 Sep


With continuous attacks from The Right, lower than desired approval ratings, his constant cheek-turning amid being called everything but a child of God and that new head-full of gray, I was starting to worry that the stress that comes with Mr. Obama’s Leader-of-The-Free-World status was beginning to weigh too heavily on our president’s ability to conceptualize and produce effective projects and initiatives for the people.  Now admittedly, while this is not the President’s latest take on infrastructure spending, economic stimulation or Healthcare Reform, he has taken the time to craft a sentimental, yet historical composition that proves Barry has more than enough gumption at the end of the day to successfully master that ever elusive work/life balance that so many of us struggle to maintain on a daily basis.

With two bestsellers already scratched off his bucket list (just below become 44th President and slightly above annihilate Sarah Palin in the 2011 Iditarod) Barack Obama’s latest literary efforts will result in the publishing of his first children’s book: Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My DaughtersRandom House’s Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers will print 500,000 initial copies of the work.

“It is an honor to publish this extraordinary book, which is an inspiring marriage of words and images, history and story. Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters celebrates the characteristics that unite all Americans and the potential to pursue our dreams and forge our own paths,” Random House Children’s Books publisher Chip Gibson said in a press release discussing the project.

Scheduled for a November 16th release, this 40-page children’s book that profiles thirteen prominent figures in American History (of which, three have been officially revealed: George Washington, Georgia O’Keefe and Jackie Robinson) will be released just in time for me to secure a Christmas copy for the baby girl.  And in what can only be described as pure Obama awesomeness, proceeds from Of Thee I Sing book sales will be used to create a scholarship for children of fallen and disabled American soldiers.


But before I am accused of never finding fault with the president by those of you who regularly go to great lengths just to criticize and undermine him at every turn, I ask you this: what efforts at bridge building and national solidity have you been a part of lately?