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The “Colorful” Side of the 82nd Academy Awards

7 Mar

Technology is a beautiful thing! Thanks to all my “live-tweeting” cyber friends, I don’t have to wait for tomorrow’s USA Today to discover the results of the Academy Awards!

Like I said yesterday, I did not engage Oscar this evening, but a little “twitter bird” told me that congratulations are in order for the writers of the film Precious, which won the award for Best Adapted Screenplay and for Mo’Nique, who won the award for Best Supporting Actress! I strongly believe that these wins will give credence not only to lesser known filmmakers, but will also open up Hollywood’s eyes as to what is considered truly relevant in the movie industry.

But what about you? Are you surprised by this outcome? Excited? Satisfied? Disappointed?

If nothing else, take a good long look at Mo’Nique (above) and tell me with a straight face that you don’t buy her as Precious’ meaner-than-the-devil, abusive mother.

Exactly. And THAT’S why she won.

So, again I say congratulations Mo’Nique and the Cast and Crew of Precious (based on the novel “Push” by Sapphire).